
Unique, exciting abstract art by Jan Schrader

"Abstract art is jazz on canvas." JS

Welcome to CanvasJazz. I’m Jan Schrader

Thanks for visiting my gallery. I hope you enjoy my art and will return as I will be posting new pieces on a regular basis. To check out the gallery and more, click the link below. You might also enjoy perusing my
“Art Musings” and Blog sections below.

Check out the Gallery

Exhibits and Shows

Find dates and locations for upcoming events to see Jan’s paintings.


Watch  for new class announcements coming soon.


Watch for new videos posted here.

Art Musings by Jan

To me, abstract art is like jazz on canvas. It develops as improvisation over a very basic plan. It’s all about the riffs.

Creating art – paintings, sculpture, carvings, music, gives us the incredible power to create one-of-a-kind things; things unique in all the world.

Art is simply the expression of one’s soul as it sees and interprets the universe.

Art is the expression of the ineffable: those things there simply are no words for.

When it hurts too much to say, or when the joy is too great for words, you express the emotions with paint.

Art shares an intimate insight into how the artist perceives the surrounding world and how those perceptions are processed. It can be close to reading the artist’s diary.

The flaw the artist sees in their creation may be the element of beauty the viewer finds intriguing.

Blog & news

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